Monday, October 20, 2008

Kangaroo on the Look

Visiting Australia for a pleasure trip would not be complete without taking a closer look at its famous kangaroos and koalas. From movies to told stories the existence of these animals peculiarly in Australia drive interest of animal lovers, inquisitive tourist and back packers.

The Kangaroo island in Australia is located in the Backstairs passage from the Fleurieu Peninsula. The island is blessed with its pristine beaches and wilderness that casts an enchanting spell to a nature lover. What makes it famous is the existence of kangaroos, a sub-specie of the western gray kangaroo. Matthew Flinders named the island after his exploration and mapping in the early 1800. He gave the name after he feasted on a kangaroo meat which his crews slew.

While it stand isolated by a stretch of sea from the Australian mainland, the Island has escaped the plague of foxes and rabbits which pose a threat to, much of the country’s native wildlife.
The kangaroos stand to be an epitome symbol in Australian wildlife with its grace, beauty and speed. In "Kangaroos and Wallabies" leading wildlife photographer Dave Watts had an opportunity to pays tribute to kangaroos and their smaller relatives – this includes the wallabies, pademelons, bettongs, and wallaroos . It was in a brilliant and informative portrait.

Famous in the world, it is one of the top interest of tourist destination and studies. Its fame has ramped its way up to be an icon that attaches to the country's name. Not only does it became a top hit for visitation, it is importantly linked the the cultural heritage of the country. The animal has long been very essential tot eh survival of the Indigenous people in Australia. They hunt kangaroos of thousands for both meat and skin. The Europeans have arrived in the 18th century and had the same interests of hunting the animal for survival.
The animal has been a continuous food resource nut only under the strict authoritative power the government. To this date laws were passed protecting the very existence of the animal that is endangered for extinction.
Visiting Australia is not just about taking a dip in its waters or immerse on its city life, the country with its rich diverse cultural heritage and natural resources has it all.

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